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Digital Hug 104

Hug #104 — 20 June 2024

How to Activate Your Employer Brand Strategy

Don't just build it, broadcast it.

These Four Phrases will make you a Better Leader

Leadership Coach Adrian Koehler reveals his success secrets.

Get the Inside Track on Advocacy

Join us on Thursday 27th June for our next webinar, The Power of Communities: Inside-Out Advocacy designed for employer branding and talent attraction leaders.

Discover why building a community of passionate advocates is the game-changer your employer brand needs. Learn how to cultivate both internal and external communities that not only enhance your employer brand but also drive talent attraction.

We’ll explore the 'Inside-Out' approach, dissect passive vs. active advocacy, and share actionable strategies to turn your employees, customers and partners into your brand champions.

Special Guest

Joining us is employer brand evangelist, talent accelerator, and employee experience architect, Hassan Al Hindwan. He will draw from his experience in FMCG, entertainment and tech industries to share what advocacy success looks like in practice. 

Once more we chew the fat with talent industry colleagues to contemplate defunct confectionery, hot showjumpers, Kiefer Sutherland and other pressing issues. This week, it's…

What is the best part of what you do?
Bringing our community of TA and HR leaders together with some fantastic solution providers at our events around the world with the aim of helping them make better talent and tech decisions. Our mission is to help employers find and keep the talent that they need

How could it improve? 
Do more events with Google Dave on the stage!

What podcasts are you listening to? 
I love the Louis Theroux interviews, and at the moment listening to Blood on the Dancefloor, the true story of Darren Bradshaw a gay police officer in Belfast in the 1990s who was shot dead by terrorists inside a gay club in front of hundreds of people. But It’s actually a story of growing up gay in the 1990’s and a community surviving – and thriving - against a backdrop of discrimination and violence - which its ultimately quite uplifting (and the music is great too!). I’ve timed it well with Pride Month.

What is the one book that you would recommend to everyone? 
I recommend Made in Manchester by Brian Groom which I’m reading at the moment. An illuminating history of my adopted home city - the original ‘shock city’. I particularly enjoy the way it is referred to as ‘the second city’. You really need a copy for your Liverpool HQ.

What's your favourite sporting metaphor? 
As one of the most un-sporty people on the planet I honestly don’t know any – I’ll leave the ball in your court on this one as we’re a bit close to the wire – I’m happy to touch base on this topic some other time haha

Quote a line from a film
“Lots of people get lost in Saltburn”

If your job had a soundtrack, what song would be on it?
My job does have a soundtrack – the CEO is in a band! I really can’t get away from The Popguns.

Which app or tool has revolutionised your work life? 
I think its been a number of tools collectively, the one I use most for CRM purposes and outreach to our partners and potential new partners is Hubspot

Have you noticed a difference in the scale of employer brand work you are currently involved in?

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Talent Charter Nixing Shows Change of Temperature for DEI

A UK Government-backed non-profit organisation set up nine years ago to improve diversity and inclusion across the UK tech sector is closing due to companies shelving initiatives and decreasing budgets.

Tech Talent Charter, which represents almost a quarter of a million tech workers, will close in August.

It has worked in close partnership with more than 800 tech employers across the UK to promote diversity and inclusion.

However, the organisation, which is partially funded by the government, said “too many companies are quiet quitting” diversity and inclusion.

“We are at a pivotal moment for the future of the UK’s tech sector,” said Co-CEO and co-founder Debbie Forster. “Great progress has been made but now too many companies are ‘quiet quitting’ D&I and there is real risk of going backward.”

She added: “We hope our decision to close will create a point of reflection and inflection that will lead to greater commitment to drive real change across the sector. We believe this decision, while tough to make, is the right thing to do at a time when D&I needs a reset and a new approach to ensure the longevity of the UK tech economy.”

READ: Ex-TripAdvisor CEO shares his go-to hiring questions
And the red and green flags answers he’s looking out for.



23-26 June, Chicago

11 July, Knebworth

September, TBC

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