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🤗 Use it or lose it

The Hug 110


Howdy Huggers,

You can put the Ben and Jerry’s and Kleenex down, now. REPEAT — put the ice cream down. That’s right, we’re back from our break now and here to stay! And yes, before you ask, we missed you too.


How to Maximise your Year-End Budget

Well, it’s that time of year again. Budget planning for 2025-2026 is in full swing, and you’re staring down whatever’s left of this year’s budget. The all-important question: where do you spend it?

We’ve got you covered.

What We’re Hearing

The trend is obvious. We’re seeing a massive uplift in clients who want to spend their budget on content creation across all digital platforms, as well as owned, earned and paid media.

Why? Because creating quality content takes time, and small teams with limited resources need support. By investing in content now, they’re producing fresh, engaging material that connects with their audiences.

Where to Spend Your Budget

Here's the thing, content creation is a pretty broad category in employer branding. So if you’re not sure where to start, here’s a simple tip —


Which of these is the top driver for employee engagement in 2024?

According to a Culture Amp survey

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Check out the survey here.


Ahh, to align or not to align? We’re diving deep into this head-scratcher in today’s webinar.

The experts will take you through:

1. The difference between your corporate and employer brand
2. When and how to align them
3. How to get buy in from your stakeholders
4. Powerful examples of alignment with Salesforce, Spotify, Microsoft and more.

⏰ When? Today! (5th September, 17:30 BST)

That’s right, not long to go. So now’s your chance save a spot while there’s still time.

Can’t make it to the live event? No worries. Sign up now and you’ll be sent a recording so you can catch up whenever suits.


This week’s hack comes from Melanie Murphy, CMO at Ph. Creative.

Feedback is your secret weapon

Want to boost growth and collaboration (without adding any extra work?)

Start every stakeholder meeting by asking each person to share one thing that’s working well and one thing that could improve. As the leader, go first to set the example.

Then, do something simple but powerful: summarise the feedback and act on it. Share stories with the team so they see their input making a difference.


BT Group’s powerful employee story video nails it here, effortlessly showcasing the values and culture without trying to slip a rosy tint over the camera lens.

“Behind the scenes” footage of the Senior Finance Manager smashing it in the gym and details of her career background bring the human side of the brand front and centre. It’s clear — employees are valued for their achievements in and out of the workplace.

Stand-out quote: “I’ve had some well-timed promotions here. BT doesn’t give it to you… but if you have the hunger for it, then absolutely this is the place to achieve it.”


Hug 109 - Can emojis boost your employer brand?


RecFest USA
12-13 September, Nashville

WorkDay Rising
16-19 September, Las Vegas

HR Tech Conference
24-26 September, Las Vegas